Misleading notices

Maximum attention to the communications received.

Official references of the competent authorities.

Dear Clients, we would like to warn you to pay the utmost attention to the communications you receive regarding your industrial property titles. Many trademark owners have received or are receiving misleading notices from subjects that are not attributable to the Order of Industrial Property Consultants and / or the competent authorities listed here:
Italian Patent and Trademark Office: https://uibm.mise.gov.it/index.php/it/linea-diretta-anticontraffazione/attenzione-alle-fatture-ingannevoli
European Union Intellectual Property Office: https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/it/misleading-invoices
World Intellectual Property Organization: http://www.wipo.int/pct/en/warning/pct_warning.html For your protection, we attach here the anti-deception Vademecum of the Italian Antitrust Authority (AGCM) containing details and useful information to recognize misleading proposals.

Therefore, we invite you to pay the utmost attention and not to provide any feedback to these Notices coming from subjects not directly appointed by you.

Finally, before taking any initiative and / or payment regarding these notices, we invite you to promptly communicate and send us a copy of any communication you may receive regarding your industrial property titles, in order to allow us to promptly confirm you if it is a communication coming from unauthorized subjects and, therefore, to be ignored.

We remain at your attention.

Explain your request for information by sending us an email.

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